391621227 270672512609354 3090787530660064461 n
391587320 270683115941627 648504900210403583 n
391626818 270669902609615 8550476656861061923 n

A very well executed event. A new standard for Dutch BJJ events has been set if you ask me. On to the next!


Sports fan 

Great event at a top location. You can see that a lot of time and love has been put into the event. In the evening, there was a complete video crew, live footage on the screens, high-level commentators, and even a professional photographer. The seats for the audience were very comfortable, and the mat was clearly visible for everyone. There were break moments so you could grab a drink without missing anything. I'm looking forward to the next edition.



One of the better competitions I've participated in, a full-day experience with experienced referees and very nice medals. And all this for a first edition. I'm already looking forward to the next edition.


BJJ Athleet from belgium


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